Corporate Communications

Client: Grupo Patio


Grupo Patio in Chile has undergone a significant transformation, evolving from a small operator of community hubs to an asset manager with integrated management. This rapid growth presented significant challenges, particularly in terms of communication.


We designed a comprehensive long-term communications strategy that covered all our areas of expertise. We accompanied Grupo Patio in its evolution, marking important milestones and maintaining a distinctive style at every step of the process.


We worked on Grupo Patio brand architecture, from the creation of sub-brands to the visual organization. We focused on strengthening its corporate reputation, making it an example in the industry and extending this philosophy to its international expansion in Peru, Mexico, and the United States. 

Through PR management and press releases, we ensured that each new project and initiative by Grupo Patio became news, consolidating its position as a relevant player in the country.

At the same time, we developed all internal communication, from newsletters to corporate activities, ensuring cohesion within the company. During the pandemic, in a context where many companies began laying off workers without reducing profits, Grupo Patio launched a campaign to communicate the measures it was taking to avoid layoffs, demonstrating its commitment to its employees.


Of distinctions and recognitions
0 + years
  • Grupo Patio was recognized at the Latin America Shopping Center Awards in 2017 and 2018.
  • It received the Sustainability Award from the Association of Shopping Centers in 2018 and 2019, and was honored in 2020 for Excellence in Institutional Communication and Advertising.
  • In 2021, it was selected as one of the most effective Chilean marketers.


Caja Los Héroes
Compañía Chilena de Fósforos