Get INKspired

Client: Ö-61


In 2024, VSPT set out to consolidate its Ö-61 brand within the tattoo enthusiast niche in the United States. To achieve this goal, it was essential to have a prominent figure who could increase both trust in our product and brand recognition nationwide.


We were looking for a figure who could embody the essence of Ö-61 and attract our target audience. We found the ideal match in Ami James, the legendary tattoo artist from Miami Ink. We introduced him as the new ambassador for Ö-61, strengthening his position not only as a leader in the tattoo scene but also as a true consumer of our wine.


We launched a nationwide communication campaign with Ami James as the protagonist, organically integrating him to the brand’s narrative. Our goal was to present Ami not only as an ambassador but as someone who truly incorporates Ö-61 into his daily life, without it feeling forced.

We developed the concept “Get INKspired,” a call to action and an invitation from Ami to get inspired with Ö-61. Whether you’re an artist or someone looking to get a tattoo, a glass of Ö-61 will inspire you in the next stage of your life.


achievement of the sales projection just months after the campaign launch.  
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Coverage across the United States.


Compañía Chilena de Fósforos
Chilean National Association of Professional Soccer (ANFP)
Patio Outlet